• Quality Control and Testing for Superior Refractory Products

Quality Control and Testing for Superior Refractory Products

You can count on our proven and tested refractories.

Plibrico’s high-quality monolithic refractories are the direct result of our strict quality control procedures and extensive testing capabilities. Our Quality Control on-staff laboratory technicians make up our Plibrico Quality Control team. This dedicated team controls our incoming raw materials, internally processed raw materials and finished product.

To ensure product performance, our Quality Control team utilizes our on-site testing laboratory to perform tests on every incoming raw material and every outgoing batch of finished refractory product. They also perform both standard and specialized tests per customer requests. Our development and testing team not only refine existing products, but will also develop custom refractory products per our customers’ application requirements.

  • Plibrico® Plastic Refractories

    Clay/Air Bond

    Product Name %Al2O3 Service Limit SDS
    Plibrico®Super F AB 58% 2900F / 1590C SDS
    Plibrico®60 AB 58% 3100F / 1705C SDS
    Plibrico®80 AB 78% 3200F / 1760C SDS
    Plibrico®90 AB 90% 3400F / 1871C SDS

    Phosphate Bond

    Product Name %Al2O3 Service Limit SDS
    Plibrico®55 S 54% 3000F / 1648C SDS
    Plibrico®68 S 68% 3100F / 1705C SDS
    Plibrico®68 SA 68% 3100F / 1705C SDS
    Plibrico®85 S Special 83% 3300F / 1815C SDS
    Plibrico®90 S 90% 3400F / 1870C SDS
    Plibrico®SiC 80 (80% SiC) 2700F / 1480C SDS

    (fine grain – soft)

    Product Name %Al2O3 Service Limit SDS
    Plibrico®SR 68 68% 3100F / 1705C SDS
    Plibrico®SR 85 83% 3300F / 1815C SDS
    Plibrico®SR 90 88% 3400F / 1870C SDS

    Plibrico HyRATE® Plastic Refractories – Gunning Grade

    Clay/Air Bond

    Product Name %Al2O3 Service Limit SDS
    Plibrico HyRATE®Super F AB 43% 2900F / 1595C SDS
    Plibrico HyRATE®60 AB 60% 3100F / 1705C SDS
    Plibrico HyRATE®80 AB 78% 3200F / 1760C SDS

    Phosphate Bond

    Product Name %Al2O3 Service Limit SDS
    Plibrico HyRATE®68 S 68% 3100F / 1705C SDS
    Plibrico HyRATE®85 S Special 84% 3300F / 1815C SDS